mercredi 11 janvier 2023

The speed of science

In the face of the wave of misinformation and emotionally charged arguments that have overwhelmed Western societies and their followers in various parts of the world, it was difficult to find a rational response, and one was tempted to restrict their opinions and advices to themselves.

However, when the decision was taken worldwide to vaccinate children, at the end of 2021, this self-centered attitude was not viable anymore. Children are different.

I was, literally speaking, the only person in my children's entire environment, who was opposed to their covid vaccination. The other elders in our family, in their extended family, their teachers, their classmates, all were already vaccinated and asking my children what they were waiting for, with an air of responsibility and moral superiority.

My authority and credibility as a father was reduced to zero. Just speaking was useless.

When I realised, because she was still in bed late in the morning, that one of my daughter had taken the day before one shot of covaxin at a vaccination camp organised in her school - exceptionally open for vaccination, even as it was still closed for teaching - and furthermore, when I realised that I was the only person whom she kept in the dark, my world collapsed. I decided to to do what I should have done much before: 

Follow the scientific method.

As my daughter was in bed for 3 days, too weak to get up, I asked her, on the 3rd day when she was better, to collect covid, vaccination and population data from 3 government websites:

1) Cowin Portal:

2) State-Wise Covid Status:

3) Census of India:

She took screenshots of each state number of vaccinations (1 and 2 doses) from the Cowin dashboard, and wrote down the figures in an excel sheet. She then wrote the number of covid cases and covid deaths of each state, in a different column, as per the State-wise Covid Status. In the next column she wrote the population of each state, as per the Census.

Then, dividing the number of vaccinations and number of cases and deaths by the population of each state, she obtained the numbers per capita.

She then sorted the columns by number of 1st dose per capita, and put the result in an x-y graph.

The result is below:

I then asked my daughter if she could see in this graph any relation between the number of vaccinations and the number of deaths. She was hesitant. It was not very clear, she said. There were very high variations between states. But there was a slight correlation: Higher the number of doses, higher the number of deaths. I then asked her, is it clear from the government data that vaccinations reduce the number of deaths? She said, "No. It is rather the opposite".

By the time she reached this conclusion, after 4 hours of tedious work, her  younger brother and elder sister had joined us and were also observing the data.

She decided to not go to school for the second dose. She would return to school only when the classes would restart. Her brother and sister also decided to not go to school get their shot. Their main worry was what to tell to their friends and to their teachers. But they felt confident they would be able to say something and to face them.

I am not sure what had the more influence, my daughter experiencing bad side effects (for more than a week) or assembling and studying government data. But to this day, my kids are the only ones in their entire school to not have been vaccinated.

It took 4 hours of boring, tedious clerical job: making screenshots, saving them in folders, writing the values in the excel sheet. 

4 hours. The speed of science?

Links to my daughter's files:



5 commentaires:

  1. Great job. We need more such data to make this public.

  2. Ce que vous dites sur le nucléaire civil couverture du nucléaire militaire est très perspicace, j'ai envie de vous remercier. Cela rejoint beaucoup de choses qu'on ne dit pas. Et vous confirmez très bien mon intuition sur la 5G, qui même si nous étions tous techno-gagas ne vaudrait pas son coût pour les civils.

    Quant à l'affaire discutée ici, je me permets de vous conseiller d'aller plus loin en vous intéressant à la critique de la virologie, discipline qui a pris son essor dans les années 70 ce qui est déjà une bonne raison d'être soupçonneux. Il y a un livre allemand, "Virus Mania", (en français aux éditions Marco Pietteur, en anglais sur internet), et un livre anglais récemment traduit de Dawn Lester et David Parker, sur l'ignorance des vraies causes des maladies, livre qu'un statisticien nantais, Pierre Chaillot, a revu. La contagion n'existe tout simplement pas, statistiquement.

    -- Sistemis

  3. Laurent, I became naturally vaccinated n gathered immunity after getting so called Covid or flu like thrice. I did not resist, I let it run through me. 2 occasions I was completely alone, joint pains were severe, breathing was tough but oxygen levels were ok. To not be afraid was the main task. To isolate. To fast. To eat v fresh or raw food in little quantity. Fresh air n sunshine. Oil baths. Lemon n orange drinks, lots of fluids, fresh fruits, boiled food not proteins etc. That's no good. Too heavy for our stomach to digest, we need all our strength to fight back..I resisted n continue resisting vaccination. Each person has to take charge of their natural wealth..immunity and learn to trust themselves and nature over the million voices trying to commodify every aspect of our being in this uber -corporotised world. Nature, she knows best. Love and best to you n bithi for bringing up 3 beautiful sensitive children. Gifts to the planet. They will work out what we leave unfinished.- atreyee

  4. Joel Smalley, the man who, as early as July 2021, first demonstrated to the world that the so-called "covid 2nd wave" was in fact the "vaccine first wave", is giving us some hope. As less and less people keep themselves "up-to-date" with the vaccine, and authorities are quietly ending the vaccination campaign, the mortality is also starting to decrease, so we can hope that the "new normal", like everything, will also come to an end, and life will prevail.

  5. My daughter has developed an Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) since 2022, which we didn't relate to the vaccine, and since 6 months, a gradually worsening Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) in the right hand first, and gradually in the left hand also. Today she is partially handicapped, she writes from the left hand or from the right hand depending on which is less painful, she often needs to be fed as she is unable to hold a spoon, and she often writes on her phone with the toe of the left foot.

    We have seen some of the best orthopedists and some of the best neurologists. They conducted extensive nerve, blood, and whole body investigations, and could not find an explanation. They are hesitant to perform surgery, even a very simple one, on a 18 year old when no explanation is found for the symptoms.

    Our Ayurvedic doctor who is treating the IBS believes the CTS is an extension of the IBS. Our neurologist also believes there could be a link.

    Both IBS and CTS, exceedingly rare in people less than 30 (my daughter is 18) are documented side effects of covid vaccines.

    My daughter was forced by her school to receive one dose of covaxin, the only covid vaccine authorised for children in India. After she became sick, our Ayurvedic doctor wrote a letter contra-indicating a second dose for her, and any dose for her siblings, enabling them to continue their studies without further harm.

    The most likely explanation for the IBS and CTS affecting my daughter is this one shot of covaxin, the inactivated virus vaccine manufactured by Bharat Biotech.

    We could not find a doctor in India willing to implement the McCullough protocol, the only peer-rewiewed treatment protocol so far for covid and vaccine injured.

    My daughter is now following this protocol in a "home-made" manner, by chewing a bit of raw curcuma every morning, a bit of pineapple every afternoon, and natto (which she ferments with the help of leaves from a fig tree we have access to) twice a day.

    We believe that, in absence of a doctor willing to implement and monitor this protocol, having the 3 ingredients nattokinase-curcumin-bromelain in the form of food, complete with its smell, taste and texture, rather than medicalised powders, is safer as it enables my daughter to understand her own instinctive reactions, exercise her jugement, and follow her common sense, which may not be possible when absorbing small quantities of tasteless, concentrated extracts.

    She is also continuing the ayurvedic treatment in parallel and following the neurologist's symptomatic treatment.

    We hope the problem, which took 2 years to become severe, will take less time to go away.

    Laurent Fournier
