jeudi 23 mars 2023

Covid, Chat GPT and The Consultant

The on-going covid-19 crisis is sowing confusion in our minds, and it is understandable. In the last 3 years, the overwhelming majority of authorities of all sorts (military, political, medical, scientific, educational, religious) and almost every media and all the large business corporations in the entire world and all governments baring in Africa and in Sweden, have acted in a way that looks coordinated. It is also becoming clearer every day how all these authorities and entities of power have acted in the last 3 years in a way that is harmful to humanity in every possible sense: Health, Economy, Children's rights, Worker's rights, Science, and Education.

Yet it is difficult to imagine a centralised leadership that would have ordered all these people to act the way they did. Some of them are declared enemies, yet they behaved the same way. Multi-party or one-party-regimes, military rulers or kingdoms, right-wing or left-wing governments, NATO block or regional powers, all were in unison.

Can we start asking, "Does The Devil exist"?

We are all excited by AI and Chat GPT, as adults would be in front of a baby who would have started speaking in an intelligible language immediately after birth.

We are asking Chat GPT all sorts of questions and publish the answers in newspapers! What is the news item here? The answers by Chat GPT? The fact that people ask questions and publish the answers? The questions that people ask?

To realise the gravity of what we are doing, maybe we can read (or read again) The Master and Margarita, by the Ukrainian author Mikhail Bulgakov.

A "Consultant", suave and elegant, spreads chaos and destruction targeting the most sophisticated and powerful people, in a way that nothing can be traced outside of these very people, attacking and destroying each-other and everything they claim to stand for, and the characters in the novel, and even the reader of the novel, all are looking for proofs of the physical reality of this "Consultant", and are left confused.

Chat GPT is funded by Bill Gates. Who said "of course"? But even if it wasn't him, he has so many candidates to step in his role! And we don't find much information about who controls it. Whatever "control" mean in this context. It is time to think again about this notion. What is control exactly, and does it exist?

We don't know what Chat GPT has access to. We are assured that Chat GPT is barred from politics and hate speech. Whatever that means. Just like the Gain-of-Function "research", it was never "intended" to create any harm, but on the opposite, to create "new vaccines" for the welfare of humanity. The utter confusion and self-destructive behaviour of authorities in our covid times mirror the behaviour of the society's elite, nudged by "The Consultant" in Bulgakov's novel.

It is time to keep our eyes wide open and think, as long as we have the luxury to do it. What does "intent" mean? What does "control" mean? Who wants What, actually?

2 commentaires:

  1. Chat GPT and war, by Dr. Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake:

  2. Geoffrey Hinton on Chat GPT:
