lundi 29 avril 2024

WHO pandemic treaty

There is a lot of justified fear about the WHO pandemic treaty to be signed in May.

I just found in the ELIANT Newwletter a very interesting insight:

"Anyone who studies the online documents relating to the Pandemic Agreement will see from parts of the wording the extent to which there is scope for discretion and there are legal grey areas regarding the manner of interpretation and practical implementation. Here it is not reassuring either that, contrary to earlier fears, countries will retain their sovereignty. After all, this is not synonymous with their citizens' rights to self-determination and freedom of expression being respected in health matters."

The crucial point here is that the Pandemic Treaty is literally gifting every government on the planet a powerful tool of control of their population, and it is very difficult to imagine which government, however honest and well-meaning, would possibly refuse such an instrument of power, available at all times at their discretion.

We have seen since February-March 2020 that almost no governmental and non-governmental authority on earth had the courage to refuse the tremendous access to power that the covid provided them, and despite the unprecedented disaster that has ensued, no government or organisation has apologised yet, barring Daniele Smith the Premier of Alberta, Canada.

This is the link to the Eliant Newsletter:

I strongly disagree with the wording of the first paragraph and with many other aspects of this newsletter, but the paragraph quoted above remains remarquable in its clarity.

1 commentaire:

  1. It's easy to predict which countries will sign the "Bill Gates/WHO Pandemic Treaty": NATO countries except Hungary and Turkiye. And which countries will politely buy time with procedural processes and and avoid signing it: Most African and some BRICS countries...

    If this turns true, keeping in mind the clear analysis by Dr. Michaela Glöckler, we can then ask: Is democracy shifting away from the West to more gentle shores?
