cet ajournement perpétuel de l'heure de la trahison
- E. Lévinas, Totalité et infini
samedi 8 mars 2025
vendredi 7 mars 2025
jeudi 6 mars 2025
La CIA n'oublie pas
La raison que De Gaulle avait donné pour que la France fasse ses propres bombes atomiques était de se doter d'un argument imparable pour pouvoir refuser d'héberger les bombes atomiques américaines sur notre sol, avec tous le pouvoir pour les Américains et tous les risques pour les Français, ce qui aurait annulé le principe même de la dissuasion nucléaire.
L'Allemagne, l'Italie, la Belgique, n'ont pas ce luxe, et risquent une représaille nucléaire quasi-automatique si des avions Américains lâchent une ou des bombes nucléaires sur l'ex-URSS/Russie après avoir décollé de ces bases.
Il n'est pas difficile d'imaginer ce qu'un politicien US préférera, une bombe lancée depuis l'Europe qui explose en Russie après quelques minutes et qui ne provoquera probablement pas de riposte nucléaire sur le sol Américain, avec une bombe lancée depuis les États-Unis, qui a besoin de plus de temps pour arriver, et déclenchera une riposte automatique et inévitable.
Apparemment Macron n'a pas compris.
Espérons que des militaires Français lui expliqueront, publiquement si nécessaire, un peu de stratégie militaire et d'histoire plutôt récente, même s'il n'était pas né à l'époque.
La CIA, elle, n'oublie pas, et continue fort logiquement (y compris par une de ses officines médiatiques, ci-bas) de pousser sa charrue, quel que soit l'administration en cours.
mercredi 5 mars 2025
I am Zelensky
Russia seems to have finally come to terms with the idea that it's kicked out of Europe, after 200 years of brutal European invasions.
The United States also seem to have cut the umbilical cord, and accepted they are not a distant European colony, not even in the cultural sense. The realisation was condensed in the short, uneasy dialogue of US president Donald Trump and British P.M. Keir Starmer in front of the journalists.
And Europe now also realise they are on their own, as expressed by the Polish P.M. Donald Tusk before taking off for the emergency European meeting in London: "why are 500 million European asking 300 million Americans to protect them from 140 million Russians"? (Donald Tusk could also ask why Napoleo returned from Russia with only 10% of his 600,000-strong army, and the Europeans allies of Germany couldn't even return from Russia, despite their massively genocidal tactics, and how today's adventure would succeed where the previous 2 failed so horribly!)
The European empire was hoping to survive by proxy, through the United States. The Project for a New American Century (PNAC), officially kicked off on 11 September 2001, with a few thousand New Yorkers as unwilling sacrificial victims, immediately followed by millions of Afghans, Irakis, and many, many other unwilling and unsuspecting people.
It's not working. The only thing that keeps the empire afloat, the acceptance of the US dollar as an international currency, is being maintained only to keep the US as quiet as possible while their power of nuisance slowly fades. Yemen shoots US drones one after another and scares off US aircraft carriers, once the pride of their military, who have not yet been able to fire hypersonic missiles after 30 years of efforts.
Now everyone is on their own. The Americans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Europeans, have all accepted the end of the empire.
It is refreshing, but now that deadly illusions are collapsing, is the time more than ever to know our values, and in our times of unprecedented freedom and responsibility, to have the courage to stand by what we really love, by what is really worthy of our respect and love: Other humans, our sisters and brothers.
The few of us who have been spared by war so far, are all like president Zelensky now: The free supply of cocaine is ending, and we are faced with our naked life. What are we, what do we want really?
dimanche 2 mars 2025
Conspiracy theory
Il y a 50 ans une maison d'édition débutait qui s'appelait "alternative et parallèles", elle publiait "le Catalogue des Ressources", la traduction Française du "Whole Earth Catalog", une publication annuelle formidable, ancêtre de l'internet selon son rédacteur Stewart Brand. Cette maison d'éditions a publié beaucoup d'excellents livres, et existe encore, sous le nom "éditions alternatives".
Pierre Fournier écrivait dans le premier editorial de La Gueule Ouverte en 1972, "Très vite des lecteurs m'écrivirent pour m’enjoindre de fonder, et plus vite que ça, un « parti rousseauiste » destiné à « regrouper les marginaux ». Les marginaux – comme ils ont raison – n’ayant pas envie d’être regroupés, et surtout pas au sein d’un parti, quel que soit son isme, il y avait sans doute mieux à faire".
A l'époque on se vantait d'être marginal et différent, les éditions "Autrement" ont aussi démarré en 1975 !
Les écoles "parallèles", les médecines "alternatives" étaient très cool.
Aujourd'hui, vous n'êtes plus "alternatif" ou "parallèle" mais "sectaire" ou "complotiste" !
Que s'est-il passé ?
Beaucoup de théories déclarées non scientifiques par les autorités (se laver les mains avant d'opérer un malade, l'idée que la cigarette ou l'amiante donnent le cancer, ou que les continents bougent, etc.) se sont avérées vraies, et beaucoup d'histoires de conspiration avancées par les autorités (que les soldats Irakiens avaient sorti les bébés des couveuses en 1991, que les fusées d'antrax de Saddam Hussein pouvaient atteindre Londres en 45 minutes en 2003, que le Covid-19 est apparu dans un marché d'animaux sauvages, etc.) se sont avérées fausses.
Comment séparer le vrai du faux ? Il n'y a pas de recette. Il faut parfois de pas avoir peur de se tromper, et examiner une question aussi librement que possible. Et lorsqu'on comprend que l'on s'est trompé, se corriger.
J'ai cru, au moins une fois, à une théorie du complot dont j'ai finalement reconnu qu'elle était fausse. Et ma mémoire me joue des tours ! J'ai été tout surpris de découvrir, en 2008, un de mes emails ou je me moquais d'une amie qui disait qu'aucun avion n'était tombé sur New York le 11 septembre 2001. Je lui conseillais de ne pas colporter des ragots. En 2008 ! Moi qui croyais avoir compris bien avant. Et bien non. En 2008, j'y croyais fermement. Sans avoir jamais réfléchi, d'ailleurs. J'en étais sûr, c'est tout. Pas de.temps à perdre avec ça. Je ne sais pas quand j'ai commencé à réfléchir. En 2010 j'avais changé d'avis. Peut-être grâce à cette amie, d'ailleurs. Le problème avec les croyances c'est qu'on ne s'en rends pas compte. Ni quand elles arrivent, ni quand elles s'en vont. Donc il y a sûrement encore des théories du complot fausses auxquelles je crois, dont je ne me suis pas encore aperçu que j'y crois...
Mais il y a une chose qui aujourd'hui empêche de découvrir ses propres erreurs : Dénoncer toute critique comme une "théorie du complot". Cette expression est un refuge commode pour notre paresse, mère du mensonge !
Joël Sternheimer disait que la science est fille de l'éthique. Le mensonge est fils de la paresse...
7 janvier 2015, rue Nicolas Appert
L’attentat terroriste du 7 janvier 2015 à Charlie Hebdo – et ceux du Bataclan et de l’hyper casher – étaient des rituels satanistes destinés à ancrer la France dans l’OTAN, et ils ont partiellement réussi.
Comme souvent ils font d’une pierre deux coups, et ils n’ont pas loupé Charb, profondément antiraciste, ni ses collègues, et ils auraient sûrement préféré que Nicolino ne survive pas.
Le seul moyen de surmonter le satanisme c’est d’examiner très attentivement les faits (qui a fourni la logistique et les renseignements, tiré profit du crime, etc.) et d’écouter très attentivement son cœur et celui des autres, y compris et surtout de ceux qu’on n’aime pas (et cela n’implique pas le mépris, mais le respect), et se méfier des récits des « faiseurs ». Il n’y a pas de recette. Nous sommes tous au pied du mur. Y compris pour ne pas être, nous non plus, des « faiseurs »…
samedi 1 mars 2025
Marwa Osman
The spectacle of Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the Oval Office wasn’t just a diplomatic embarrassment, it was a brutal reality check for the world order that has dominated for decades.
The West, which once cloaked its imperial demands in the language of "freedom" and "democracy," has finally shed the last mask.
Trump didn’t even bother with the pretense. He made it clear: Ukraine is a bargaining chip, not an ally.
This is the inevitable fate of those who place their survival in the hands of a declining empire.
Zelensky was paraded as a leader of a Western-backed war, only to be discarded the moment his usefulness waned. The arrogance of American exceptionalism has always depended on carefully crafted illusions, but Trump, in his crude transactional style, has exposed the game for what it is.
The consequences of this moment will reverberate far beyond Kyiv or Washington. The world is already divided between those clinging to the crumbling unipolar system and those forging a new, multipolar reality. This rift will widen. Alliances will harden. And as desperation fuels reckless decisions, the world inches closer to what could be the final great war of our era.
When history looks back at this moment, it won’t just see Zelensky’s shame, it will see the unmistakable signs of an empire in its last throes, willing to burn everything before accepting its own decline.
Marwa Osman, Beyrouth
The karma of Sylvestre de Sacy
Pepe Escobar: From Donbass to South Lebanon -- and all across BRICS --it’s all about Resistance
February 28, 2025
For those of us who keep tracking the slings and arrows trespassing the wider geopolitical chessboard, non-stop, it’s an immensely powerful – and humbling – experience to be one day contemplating devastated Avdeyevka, in the heart of the war in Donbass, and one week later struggling to understand the senseless devastation inflicted on villages in south Lebanon, literally in front of occupied Palestine.
It's all about the transcending power of Resistance – uniting Orthodox Christianity in the black soil of Novorossiya to political Shi’ism in the Eastern Mediterranean.
It’s this close-up, in microcosm, of the tortuous, bloody, pitiless ways of the Angel of History – to remember Walter Benjamin’s searing metaphor – that really illuminate the always shape-shifting Big Picture, and help us to better frame complex historical processes on the move.
We are now, geopolitically, under the volcano. And one of the key questions ahead that may allow us to better find a way out is how the top BRICS nations will be reacting to the seemingly immovable Forever Wars ethos.
So let’s keep our feet on the ground. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has just gone through an intriguing Astana process loop. First he was in Turkiye – the new hegemon in Syria, at least in thesis. He met Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan – the former head of Turkish intel – and President Erdogan.
Even though Turkiye will hardly dare to become a BRICS partner – after it was officially invited at the Kazan summit last year - Ankara simply cannot afford to antagonize Russia, mostly for geoeconomic reasons.
Then Lavrov went to Iran – following up on the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation signed on January 17 in Moscow.
Lavrov and Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi discussed not only the proverbial mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation agenda – especially on energy and transportation – but also the wider geopolitical chessboard, including ultra-sensitive nodes such as Syria, Yemen, the Persian Gulf, the Caspian, the South Caucasus and Afghanistan, as well as what could happen next for the JCPOA, the Iran nuclear deal.
Yet the absolutely key imperative remains the Forever Wars chapter in Ukraine – whose resolution (or not) will deeply affect geopolitics for the rest of the century.
Three years ago, at the start of the SMO, President Putin qualified a series of objectives. NATO responded by seeking to up the ante.
Examples. Let’s start with a security treaty imposing a demilitarized space on Russia’s western borders, and the return of NATO to its limits circa 1997. NATO responded by expanding in Scandinavia – and now the Baltic chihuahuas, supported by Finland, dream of turning the Baltic Sea into a NATO lake.
While the Lugansk National Republic has been 100% liberated, Donetsk stands at best at 75%. Kherson was 100% liberated in the summer of 2022, but then there was a retreat; it now stands at 75%. Same with Zaporizhia.
Ukraine has not been fully demilitarized yet – although the prospects are somewhat encouraging - or denazified (that will be a decade-long process, at least).
Ukraine as a non-NATO neutral nation remains a real red line to Moscow ahead of upcoming negotiations with Trump 2.0. Same with the acceptance by Kiev of Crimea and the four regions as Russian and the removal of all sanctions against Russia: Washington may remove quite a few, but the vassal EU will keep them all.
Not to mention it’s still a long and winding road – to put it mildly – for Moscow to eventually de-enclave Transnistria, which would require to establish a transport corridor through the Kharkov-Transnistria axis as well as Odessa – a Russian city - and securitizing the whole Black Sea littoral. Control of the Black Sea was the prime NATO obsession since before Maidan in 2014.
When we follow the money regarding the upcoming US-Russia negotiations on Ukraine, it’s clear that what matters for Trump 2.0 is to reestablish the position of American companies in Russia, all the way to buying Russian commodities – as suggested by Putin himself.
So geoconomics rule – again, bringing us all back to 2013 and the fateful free market agreement between the EU and Kiev.
Trump 2.0 is building the narrative that European troops – not directly NATO-linked – will be deployed in Kiev after the end of the war. That would fit into a soft power operation of convincing public opinion about NATO’s annexation of rump Ukraine.
Trump 2.0, meanwhile, is actively transferring to the collapsing EU the role of 100% globalist supporter of Kiev. Follow the money: this means the EU has to pay up. For everything – while the US gleefully exploits what remains of Ukraine’s resources.
In parallel, in this Kafkaesque universe, Brussels keeps piling up sanctions on Russia while removing sanctions on Syria on the energy and transportation fronts because Damascus, after all, is now ruled by jihadists: “our” jihadists.
Compounding the circus, clueless EU mutts such as the next BlackRock German chancellor now openly admit, regretfully, that Maidan, from the start, was in fact aimed against Brussels. The American goal – way before the toxic distribution of Nuland’s cookies – was to sever the EU from Russia and destroy it as a technological competitor. Mission accomplished.
Of course, in such a Kafkaesque domain, none of the above is enough to change the EU narrative. Brussels wants to allocate yet another 20 to 40 billion euros (which they don’t have) and an “unimaginable” amount of (American) weapons to Kiev, as stated by Hungary’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto.
Follow the money – and the shadow play
Back on the Ukraine front, Putin has actually suggested that Zaluzhny might replace the current cracked actor in a sweaty sweatshirt. The MI6 is undoubtedly currently preparing Zaluzhny in London exactly for such a role.
As for military budget cuts, Putin also accepts Trump’s idea of dividing them by half (China politely disagrees). Were that to happen, Russia’s budget would roughly be back to what it was before the SMO, while the Americans would have to cut off $400 billion. Elon Musk’s DOGE will be thrilled; the Deep State will fight it to death.
For all the intertwined shadow play that is taking place on all fronts, invisible to public opinion, there is an undercurrent of skeptical dissent in Moscow according to which after three years of a narrative insisting the Ukraine war was a US war on Russia (certainly by the globalist Democrat axis), plus the Ukrainian biolabs, the tsunami of sanctions, the Nord Stream bombings, Moscow is now willing to re-start economic cooperation with Washington from scratch.
Of course it’s not so simple. But there are indeed fears that a possible “peace” deal may turn out to be yet another American “follow the money” win.
Whatever happens next – and no one knows what that will be – the fact remains that it’s Putin who’s now in charge of this new chapter of the Art of the Deal, swiftly dodging veiled threats and non-stop bullying and reverting them Sun Tzu-style.
Putin cannot possibly accept European “peace keepers” in Ukraine because Russian public opinion will never accept it.
Without making a single move, just playing Sun Tzu, Putin has already made Trump humiliate the Kiev actor in front of the whole planet and de facto relegate the EU to the dustbin of History.
And yet, once again, this nagging feeling persists across well-informed circles in Moscow that a few Ukraine-related deals on the end of the war have already been clinched in the background. That explains why certain Russian and American outbursts seem to be too well synchronized.
Once again, shadow play. And follow the money. When Putin talks about possible joint US-Russian investments on aluminum production in Siberia, he’s thinking about sanctions being erased on Russia’s aluminum industry.
Same with American investments in Donbass: that will imply the regions are Russian. From all that, there will be a cascade of suppressed sanctions on the sectors of the Russian banking system involved in foreign trade. That’s hardcore geopolitics in action.
The China-Russia front – involving a deeply complex comprehensive strategic partnership - is way more complex. Much more than BRICS, Beijing’s priority is BRI, the Belt and Road Initiative, or New Silk Roads, the overarching geoeconomics framework of Chinese foreign policy: opening new markets for Chinese products, globally.
The EU was supposed to be the top final destination of the BRI network. So now there is a serious dichotomy in play.
Beijing was thrown seriously off balance by the de facto Russian demolition of the EU’s cash flow via the SMO: that reduced the actual value of the EU market for BRI.
Yet in parallel, Russia’s fast as lightning resurgence as a great military power, strategically defeating the whole collective West, has unveiled a few new tricks to Beijing ahead of its epic confrontation with Trump 2.0 – which does see China as the eminent threat to the Empire of Chaos.
In the end, it's all about Resistance. From Donbass to the Eastern Mediterranean, from BRICS Iran to BRICS Russia. China, meanwhile, is watching the – geopolitical - river flow, and learning everything there is to learn.
A brilliant view from Pepe Escobar!
We can see "the karma of Sylvestre de Sacy", the French intellectual who accompanied Napoleo in his Asian wars, and wanted to "excite Muslim fanaticism against Russian orthodoxy"! Europe's only partners now are indeed these farcical "Muslim fanatics" (Islamic State in Syria), while Muslims and Orthodox collaborate to build the multipolar world, and Trump understood that as for now, the US would loose a direct war against Russia so better make a ceasefire with BRICS and have the Europeans pay for the mess.
samedi 22 février 2025
Prisoniers Israéliens libérés
Et Yeshayahu ben Aharon :
dimanche 5 janvier 2025
To those worried about the climate
Unfortunately, late Bruno Latour, who argued that science is the product of scientific institutions and not the other way around, has successfully given theoretical foundations to contemporary political philosophy, that of Covid, Nuclear Power, Liberal Nazism, Democratic Genocide, Jihadism in Business Suit, and War abroad as a guarantee of "Peace" at home.
Aux angoissés du climat
Aux angoissés du climat, et plus précisément (car je ne parle pas du micro-climat ou du climat régional, mais du "climat" global au sens que lui donne le Groupe d'Experts Intergouvernemental sur l'Evolution du Climat, GIEC) à ceux qui pensent que 1. la terre se réchauffe, que 2. ce réchauffement est dû à l'effet de serre, et que 3. le gaz carbonique est la cause de l'effet de serre, je demande :
mercredi 11 décembre 2024
Il y a 2 civilisations. Seulement 2. Les guerres et le terrorisme nous forcent à choisir, mais n'ont aucune influence sur notre choix. La souveraineté humaine est totale.
jeudi 19 septembre 2024
From Russian Duma to European Parliament
"For those who didn't understand the first time!
Today, the European Parliament called on the EU countries to lift restrictions on Kiev's long-range weapons strikes on our country's territory, to increase military support for Ukraine, and to announce a collection of funds from the population of Europe for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
I'll repeat it again.
If something like this happens.
Russia will give a tough response using more powerful weapons.
No one should have any illusions about this.
The State Duma insists on this.
Questions for MEPs:
❓ did you consult with your constituents before making this decision
❓European citizens want war to come to their home
What the European Parliament is calling for is leading to a world war using nuclear weapons.
Before making such a decision, it was necessary to remember the lessons of World War II. Then, 27 million Soviet citizens died in the fight against fascism.
It was our country that liberated you and all of Europe.
Remember this. Don't forget.
Judging by the statement of the European Parliament, it seems you have forgotten.
The citizens of our country know what war is; it has passed through every family.
The victory over Nazism came at a high price.
The USA and England, who call themselves the victors today, lost less than 800,000 people in World War II.
Our losses in the Battle of Stalingrad alone were 1,130,000 people.
The only thing the European Parliament should do after such a statement is to dissolve itself.
For your information.
The Sarmat missile's flight time to Strasbourg is 3 minutes 20 seconds."
mercredi 11 septembre 2024
The US and Israel are using nuclear weapons against civilian populations since at least 2003
Of course, you will also find 2 recent articles on the Tianjin nuclear explosion in Veterans Today.
Press TV has also reported the news:
They found that the uranium residues in Irak are NOT depleted uranium (which is supposed to be use as armour-penetrating weapons but slightly ENRICHED uranium, which should not be present on a battle field, EXCEPT if you are using atomic bombs.
We know that there are 3 types of small, "tactical" atomic bombs available: Neutron bombs, atomic bunker busters, and "Davy Crockett" bombs and their derivatives. "Davy Crockett" have a wide range of effects depending on what you put around them: iron dust or other things. It can have mostly an electromagnetic effect, or mostly a heat effect, or other things. These effects are extensively described in many articles of Veterans Today. It is likely that the bombs having destroyed the 3 towers of the WTC were derived from "Davy Crockett". All the effects are compatible with these bombs. But no other available explosive can explain all of the effects observed (particularly, the instant vaporisation of thousands of tons of massive steel girders).
People at Veterans Today in particular believe the the s-called "Fuel Air" bombs which the American claim to have used in Irak are more likely Neutron bombs and Atomic Bunker Busters. The effects that "fuel-air" bombs are supposed to have are so similar to these bombs (depending on the distance) that the best way to differentiate is to analyse radioactive residues, which Chris Busby and his team have precisely done in Irak.
It is also the radioactive residues present for months around the WTC after the 9/11 that are unexplained by non-nuclear bombs (or by the most unlikely theory of "collapse by fire".)
Veterans Today have also published several articles on the Beyrouth atomic bombing, which has nothing to do with fertiliser.
Mobile phones are very useful for identifying atomic explosions because their plastic lenses let the gamma rays reach the sensor, and create flicker on the image, particularly obvious in video mode. Lightning created by ionisation of the air are also indications of atomic explosions, but not visible in sunlight.
A (very) few French sources as well:
The veteran politician and former Prime Minister Michel Rocard, expressed publicly in 2012 that if the Iran war would start, it would be nuclear at the onset:
Nobody seemed to notice what he said. Of course it would have acknowledged that the only way Israel could destroy the underground nuclear facilities in Iran was with atomic bunker busters, because they have no plane that can carry conventional bunker busters, too heavy. And no one in France dares to talk about Israeli nukes.
The famous French political expert Pascal Boniface also warned of the growing risk of "tactical" use of atomic bombs against non-nuclear countries:
The sources are still very scarce, but more and more people dare to face reality.
vendredi 5 juillet 2024
Ne pas importer le conflit Israélo-Palestinien
Probablement une des expressions les plus viles de la politique Française.
Elle vise des jeunes, des adolescents qui refusent d'être complices.
Complices de l'export du trou noir génocidaire Européen en Palestine et dans le reste du monde.
Export du génocide par la négation de l'existence du génocide, export par le soutien sans réserves aux génocidaires sur tous les plans - politique, militaire, diplomatique et financier, export par la création de la vulnérabilité et de l'insécurité des génocidaires par le maintien permanent d'un état de génocide, de guerre ou de guerre larvée dans tous les pays qui les entourent.
Le premier pas pour ne plus être un génocidaire consiste à ne pas donner de leçons.
Ne pas avoir peur de la paix, même et surtout si on ne la contrôlera pas. Accepter que nous ne prendrons plus de décisions à la place des indigènes.
Accepter que nous devenions, humblement, des indigènes comme les autres.
Alors il n'y aura plus de génocides.
jeudi 4 juillet 2024
lundi 1 juillet 2024
Législatives 2024 (2)
La semaine dernière j'ai voté François Asselineau parceque le candidat du Front Populaire, Franck Pajot :
1) déclarait "Européen convaincu, je m'engage à œuvrer pour une Europe puissante au service des citoyens et des travailleurs, et à défendre indéfectiblement la liberté et la souveraineté du peuple Ukrainien", ce qui signifie qu'il trouve que 1 million de morts ne sont pas suffisant et les Ukrainiens doivent continuer à mourir et détruire leur souveraineté entre le marteau de l'Union Européenne et l'enclume de la Russie, et
2) était officiellement soutenu par Raphaël Glucksmann, qui réuni les 3 péchés politiques Européens de notre époque : Ouvertement Russophobe, ouvertement anti-Palestinien, ouvertement pour la vaccination obligatoire.
La France Insoumise n'ayant présenté aucun candidat dans la 11ème circonscription des Français de l'étrangler, s'étant retirée au profit de Pajot, j'ai donc voté François Asselineau.
Mais dans cette vidéo :
François Asselineau recommande à ses électeurs, de fait, de voter RN et laisser Jordan Bardella devenir Premier Ministre. C'est une trahison camouflée derrière une incohérence. En effet, Asselineau dit qu'il faut à tout prix voter contre Macron car, en dissolvant l'Assemblée Nationale, "Macron casse tout", impliquant que Bardella premier ministre est l'équivalent de "tout casser", et je suis à peu près d'accord. Mais au lieu d'empêcher "la casse", M. Asselineau veut laisser M. Bardella accéder au pouvoir, et "voir ce qui va se passer".
Donc selon cette déclaration de M. Asselineau, si M. Macron est un casseur fou, M. Asselineau est un casseur pervers, bien plus dangereux !
François Asselineau est manifestement un traître aux idées qu'il prétend défendre.
Je ferais tout ce que je peux pour empêcher le RN d'accéder au pouvoir, et cela inclu ne plus voter pour François Asselineau désormais.
Au second tour je voterais pour Franck Pajot.
vendredi 28 juin 2024
Élections législatives 2024
François Asselineau, le seul candidat -hors extrême-droite- de la 11ème circonscription des Français de l'étranger qui n'aurait pas empoisonné ma fille en 2022. Il a mon vote.