-1927: Standard Oil pledges to bring Hitler to power... 1945: Standard Oil stops supplying oil to Hitler!
-1954: The US persuades Mohammed Reza Pahlavi to return to power and formed a secret police "savak" to protect him... 1979: The US abandons Mohammed Reza Pahlavi!
1969: The US persuades Lon Nol to overthrow King Sihanouk... 1975: The US abandons Lon Nol!
-1979: The US installs Saddam Hussein in Irak in exchange for antagonizing Syria and attacking Iran... 1992, 2003: The US abandons Saddam Hussein!
-1979: The US founded The Taliban... 2001: The US attack the Taliban!
-1988: The US nominates Osama Bin Laden as the first director of Al Qaeda, "the database"... 2001: The US abandons Osama Bin Laden!
-1999: The US supports Putin in Russia... 2014: The US abandons Russia and pledges full integration of Ukraine into NATO in exchange for attacking Russia... 2024: The US abandons Ukraine also!
-2011: The US founded ISIS in exchange of the destruction of Iraq and Syria... 2018: The US abandons ISIS!
-2014: The US nominates Ashraf Ghani as president of Afghanistan... 2021: The US abandons Ashraf Ghani!
-2023: The US promises forever support to Israel in exchange for attacking Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran... 2025: Israel stops its colonial policy and the US abandons Israel?
"US support is in the nature of the rope to the neck of a hanging person"
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