mercredi 11 septembre 2024

The US and Israel are using nuclear weapons against civilian populations since at least 2003

The US and Israel are using nuclear weapons against civilian populations since at least 2003.

Previous posts on this subject:

Some other sources on the use of atomic bombs after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings:

Of course, you will also find 2 recent articles on the Tianjin nuclear explosion in Veterans Today.

Press TV has also reported the news:

An other source is the team working around Chris Busby:

They found that the uranium residues in Irak are NOT depleted uranium (which is supposed to be use as armour-penetrating weapons but slightly ENRICHED uranium, which should not be present on a battle field, EXCEPT if you are using atomic bombs.

We know that there are 3 types of small, "tactical" atomic bombs available: Neutron bombs, atomic bunker busters, and "Davy Crockett" bombs and their derivatives. "Davy Crockett" have a wide range of effects depending on what you put around them: iron dust or other things. It can have mostly an electromagnetic effect, or mostly a heat effect, or other things. These effects are extensively described in many articles of Veterans Today. It is likely that the bombs having destroyed the 3 towers of the WTC were derived from "Davy Crockett". All the effects are compatible with these bombs. But no other available explosive can explain all of the effects observed (particularly, the instant vaporisation of thousands of tons of massive steel girders).

People at Veterans Today in particular believe the the s-called "Fuel Air" bombs which the American claim to have used in Irak are more likely Neutron bombs and Atomic Bunker Busters. The effects that "fuel-air" bombs are supposed to have are so similar to these bombs (depending on the distance) that the best way to differentiate is to analyse radioactive residues, which Chris Busby and his team have precisely done in Irak.

It is also the radioactive residues present for months around the WTC after the 9/11 that are unexplained by non-nuclear bombs (or by the most unlikely theory of "collapse by fire".)

Veterans Today have also published several articles on the Beyrouth atomic bombing, which has nothing to do with fertiliser.

Mobile phones are very useful for identifying atomic explosions because their plastic lenses let the gamma rays reach the sensor, and create flicker on the image, particularly obvious in video mode. Lightning created by ionisation of the air are also indications of atomic explosions, but not visible in sunlight.

A (very) few French sources as well:

The veteran politician and former Prime Minister Michel Rocard, expressed publicly in 2012 that if the Iran war would start, it would be nuclear at the onset:

Nobody seemed to notice what he said. Of course it would have acknowledged that the only way Israel could destroy the underground nuclear facilities in Iran was with atomic bunker busters, because they have no plane that can carry conventional bunker busters, too heavy. And no one in France dares to talk about Israeli nukes.

The famous French political expert Pascal Boniface also warned of the growing risk of "tactical" use of atomic bombs against non-nuclear countries:

The sources are still very scarce, but more and more people dare to face reality.

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